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United Spammers

United Spammers (n) - A person or group that is dedicated to posting some of the dumbest shit on Urban Dictionary. Takes anonymous and takes a big shit on it.

The group consists of:
- A homosexual idiot that likes to talk about having sex with himself.
- A queer nigger that hates other queer niggers.
- Another guy sexually attracted to chloesprite, a man who gets lulz by posing as a girl. Obviously the idiot that hits on this git has mental probems.

Anyone wanting to be this fag should log-in using

e-mail - unitedspammers@yahoo.com
pass - unitedspammers

What do you get when you combine a queer nigger, asshole, pervert, and retard?

United Spammers

We is the way!

by Memento Mori AnatomyotW October 24, 2008

21👍 6👎