Source Code

Rubber band guy

That guy. He conducts the rubber band at the circus.

who's that guys with the stick, pointing at that rubber band? duh you fucking motard, that's the rubber band guy!

by MeowMixer October 6, 2004

3πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Turd Burglur

A random insult to annoy people. One who steals turds.

Fuck you! you ass-sniffin' turd burglur!

by MeowMixer October 9, 2004

20πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


(v.) Being high; While 'toasted' Derived from the Quizno commercial "Toasty."

Man, I just smoked a splif and I'm quiznoed!

by MeowMixer May 21, 2007

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A fag, A queer, most bitches all over.

Damn! Like every little fucker I see online or outside or on fire.

dude, don't touch my leg you fucking flamer.
You kicked it with Mae? whoa, you're a flamer!

by MeowMixer October 6, 2004

8πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


What's goin on. Tha shit. What's up in the hood.

random guy1: Yo, what's krackalackkin'?
random guy 2: shit dog.
random guy1: aight, I's finna drop a bone in dis bitch?
random guy2 What the fuck's a bone you crazy nigga?
random guy1: shit joe, i don't know!

by MeowMixer October 6, 2004

7πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


It's like a GTO but it's gay and always wears shorts.

Hahaha p.t.o. likes it rough in the ear and nostril.

by MeowMixer October 9, 2004

10πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


The perfect word to confuse people when you already know they're stupid but just want to check.

I was on the phone with this dumbass, so I screamed DOGBAR and they were like whaa?

by MeowMixer October 9, 2004