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Mercy Girls

A girl who:
1) you can say "the sluty freshman" to and they will all know exactly who you are talking about
2) holds contest with her friends to see who can not shave their leg hairs the longest
3) pretends to prefer calvert hall guys but gets really exited over even the ugliest of Loyola guys
4) make fun of the girls who wear make-up to school (seriously its a waste)
5) brings enough food for everyone where ever she goes (but really its just for her)
6)probably doesn't know that she lives south of the mason dixon line
7)knows to hide from jj at all cost
8)goes to sports events only if there is food or she is in it
9)Has to consult everyone she knows over every outfit because she isn't used to dressing herself due to constant uniform wear (of course when no ones around she also has perfect style)
10)knows that although hygiene is important and should be kept up regurally if she slept in or is feeling sick combing your hair can be deleted and replaced with a mess bun

Mercy Girls all ways have the most fun!

by Mercy girl all the way August 1, 2007

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