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true love

True love. So many words describe those two words.True love is when you get a feeling that something bad has happen to him. When you would talk to his girlfriend so he won't get hurt the way you would. It is when you would go to the end of the world for him. When you give your everything to try to help him. When you shake, get chills, or get butterflies just thinking about him. When you know everything and anything about him. True love is when you you cry for two years over him even though yall only went out for 8 months. It is when every song and place reminds you of him. True love lasts forever and eternity.

True love lasts forever.
I think I am in love.
I know I am.
Dexter I love you.
I want to marry you.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

by MiSS JUSTiNA December 3, 2007

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