Source Code


1. Fictional (dammit) main character of Gundam Wing

2. Mostly antisocial secretive jerk who has swift violent tendancies against his enemies and distrust of his allies

3. someone doesn't know how to spell "hero"

Stop acting like such a Heero and TELL ME, DAMMIT!

My heero is Heero.

by MiSo December 3, 2003

36πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


1. One who is likely to say "out with the fucking law!!"

2. One who neither sides with the authorities nor the bad guys, therefore he is never under any sort of law/code/club/rule.

1. The outlaw spent the rest of his life in jail playing foosball
2. Gene Starwind never sides with anyone, the outlaw.

by MiSo November 27, 2003

16πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


1. exclamation or cheer, with suicidal tendancies; synonyms: banzai, here goes, wooo, oh crap

2. possibly from Chiricahua Apache leader's name, who was against the U.S. government and raided Mexican and American settlements in 1876-1886.

GERONIMO!!! *jumps out window*

by MiSo December 3, 2003

552πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž


thing you don't know the name of or can't describe

whatchamacallit, 'majigger, thingamajigger, thingy, thingamacallit, whatsit, supercalifragilisticexpialidocity

Hand me that whatchamajigger.

by MiSo November 27, 2003

40πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


1. trash, crap, junk, and the like

2. a clothing brand created by people with a lot of nerve (spiffarific, you!)

1. Get that rubbish out of this house mister, or i'll whop you with my spatula!
2. I have Rubbish shirts.

by MiSo November 27, 2003

113πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


1. friend, pal, compatriot, someone you don't know the name of, someone you don't want to tell the name of

2. close friend, pal, compatriot

3. used to describe budding fungi, or any other thing that... buds.

Buddy's keeping The Notebook captive again.

How 'bout that buddy yeast....

by MiSo December 3, 2003

1366πŸ‘ 691πŸ‘Ž


Cross between "scan" and "translate"
Usually associated with scanning in Japanese manga and translating it for people who can't read Japanese (like me)

They haven't finished scanlating (insert manga here)

by MiSo December 5, 2003

37πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž