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Pick-Up Lines

An unintelligent way man or woman tries to pick up a potential mate with a one hundred percent failure rate. Only works if the person is beyond idiotic or has extreme low self esteem issues, i.e sluts or douche bags.

Examples of Pick-Up Lines:

Example 1:

A creepy man in a bar: *Walks up to intelligent, classy woman* "Are you Latina?"

Classy Lady: " Yes, I'm part Mexican." "Why do you ask?"

Creepy Man: "I have always loved Mexican women."

Classy Lady: *Rolls eyes* "And your point is?" "I have had this line used on me before and let's just say it's quit lame and pathetic." "This is why YOU are single."

Creepy Man: *Mumbles expletives because he got shot down, son!*

Example 2:

Trashy Club Slut: *Staggers up drunkenly to an intelligent "Do you eat lots of Lucky Charms?"

Intellectual Man: *Looks at her oddly* "No......."

Trashy Club Slut: "Because you look magically delicious." *wink,wink as she stumbles some more.*

Intellectual Man: "I think you need to sober up, and no thank you."

Trashy Club Slut: *Mumbles and gets pissed because she got rejected, son!*

by MiVidaCocina July 14, 2014

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