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howler monkey

An extremely rare species only found in the catacombs of Trinity Episcopal. His strangely archaic hair style and overly protrusive lips make him an extraordinarily unique organism. The facial expressions shown in morning meeting (especially the creature's yawns) create quite an entertaining show for any eager viewer. He is often seen making strange lip and cheek movements, however, do not be alarmed, this is just the repositioning of the cranberries and nuts in his cheeks. The frequent nervous eyebrow twitches and nostril flarings are simply his method of attracting mates. The female howler monkey (also known as "The Monkey" at TES) is extremely attracted to the manipulative movements howler monkey so perfectly exemplifies. He can be seen crawling throughout the hallways or taking a morning drink out of a rain puddle in the courtyard, however, one would be lucky to even touch the specimen.

A $killz and Foxtrot Production:

"Howler Monkey, Howler Monkey!- storin cranberries and nuts in his cheeks, he aint gonna eat 'em for several weeks!"

"Ohhhh Howler Monkey- crawlin up trees with his feet, his climbin skills cant be beat!"

"Yeah yeah Howler Monkey- partin his hair down the middle, it doesnt look good not even a little!"

"Hey hey Howler Monkey- carryin around books, he aint dumb, takin advantage of that opposable thumb!"

"Wooo wooo Howwwwwwlaaaa Monkey!!!!"

by Michael Donnely October 19, 2004

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