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Bob Chapek

Sleezy careful also has taken over the Disney parks by force using all six infinity stones. He viciously killed Bob Iger and now uses his corpse as a puppet as instant approval from Disney adults who are unsure of cheap peck and his reign over to Disney properties. Cheap hack is also the main inspiration for the antagonist of the original 1979 movie, The Muppet Movie. Robert Chapek is stupid

Bob Chapek sucks

by Michael Eisner rules 1994 October 7, 2021

Bob Chapek

Destroyer of childrens’ dreams and their parents’ wallets, my greatest regret, my personal Ultron. Bob Chapek is my friend turned foe. Sometimes as I look onto the sunset I ponder the question, “what if I didn’t leave the keys to the kingdom to a greedy man like Robert Chapek? What if? What if indeed?…”

What If… now streaming on Disney+, the service I started for only $8.99 a month

There’s a special spot in the The River Styx as seen in the hit Disney movie, Hercules, for you Bob Chapek

by Michael Eisner rules 1994 October 7, 2021