a nickname for Baltimore's Mount Vernon neighborhood,given its massive homosexual population. Ironically, this gay enclave is located directly north of the origional washington monument, one of the city's largest phallic symbols.
Brokeback Mount Vernon is the one thing in charm city that's gayer than john waters
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cocaine or glitter. also the name of song by the band DAZZLESTORM that lists glamourous things.
sequins on our fanny packs, we'll mail you bags full of glamthrax.... all our friends are eurotrash, we bring the glam they bring the cash, GLAMTHRAXGLAMTHRAXGLAMTHRAX
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a reference to the popularity of american apparel in the nightlife/hipster community. first used by the band DAZZLESTORM! in the song GLAMTHRAX.
what is everyone wearing to that deck indie rock/electro/obscure 80s disco dance party in that warehouse loft in williamsburg? glamerican apparel, duh.
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