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White People

The lightest skinned racial group. Originates from Europe.

All races have violent people who fight to conquer others, white people just happened to get the best natural resources which helped them develop better technology to make them more successful at it.

by Michael Gualtieri May 13, 2017

93👍 152👎


The New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) is a New York State-wide student activism and training organization. NYPIRG is New York's largest consumer protection and good government organization. NYPIRG is controlled by a student board of directors. Any issue that NYPIRG works on, or stance it takes, must be approved by its student board of directors. NYPIRG is one of the largest of the Public Interest Research Groups

1976 - NYPIRG wins passage of the Item Pricing Law, which requires that most foods sold in supermarkets bear price tags, and establishes Small Claims Court Action Centers to counsel consumers on their legal rights.

1974 - The Freedom of Information Law, which opens official records for public access

by Michael Gualtieri December 20, 2007

21👍 8👎