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To wake someone up, to get their attention using cross media multi-touch campaigns (Personalized direct mail that contains a PURL (Personal URL) to notify someone about a new product, a new event that they should attend or new service.

They never heard of us, so we decided it was time to magicomm them.

by Michael Jahn August 31, 2007

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Shaka (sometimes spelled Tshaka, Tchaka or Chaka; ca. 1787 รขย€ย“ ca. 22 September 1828) is widely credited with transforming the Zulu tribe from a small clan into the beginnings of a nation that held sway over that portion of Southern Africa between the Phongolo and Mzimkhulu rivers. His military prowess and destructiveness have been widely credited. One Encyclopaedia Britannica article (Macropaedia Article "Shaka" 1974 ed) asserts that he was something of a military genius for his reforms and innovations. Other writers take a more limited view. Nevertheless, his statesmanship and vigour in assimilating some neighbours and ruling by proxy through others marks him as one of the greatest Zulu chieftains.

Saying "Shaka ? Shaka THIS ash*le" followed immediately but throwing a spear through directly through the eye socket of some wanna be gangster trying to be all Hawaiian like shaking that stupid shaka hand gesture at you - then exclaiming "stupid motherf*cker!"

by Michael Jahn August 10, 2006

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