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China loan

tax rebate scheme concocted by George W Bush to supposedly stimulate the economy, since the federal budget already has a massive deficit, this money will be borrowed from China

I just got my China loan check I suppose I'll use it to pay for gas.

by Michael_Hunt May 31, 2008

412πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž


a contraction of vomit and cafeteria a term for any restaurant,deli,etc. that serves very poor quality food that is barely fit to eat

I was really hungry but I was in big hurry so I grabbed a burger at some vomiteria and choked it down, aferward I thought I was gonna puke.

by Michael_Hunt October 25, 2008

391πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

Scunthorpe problem

Named for a town in England, a problem that occurs when internet filters block legitimate names because they contain certain combinations of letters which taken out of context can be considered obscene

Mr. Lipshitz was denied an e-mail address because of a Scunthorpe problem.

Scunthorpe and Lightwater are both towns in England that are sometimes blocked by internet search engines.




by Michael_Hunt December 19, 2008

818πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

feed me light

a warning light found on many late model cars usually in the shape of a gas pump that lets the driver know the car is low on fuel

I better stop and get some gas my car's feed me light just came on.

by Michael_Hunt February 23, 2009

1272πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž


American Center for Law and Justice: a radical fundie organization that mocks the ACLU while attacking the Bill of Rights

While the ACLU works to defend the Bill of Rights and keep America free, the ACLJ works to destroy the Bill of Rights. The ACLJ hates free speech and freedom of religion their goal is to abolish freedom and democracy and establish a theocracy in America

by Michael_Hunt August 5, 2009

882πŸ‘ 338πŸ‘Ž


Any socio-economical policy that benefits the wealthy or expands corporate power while harming ordinary working class people

The union went on strike so the company tried to be Reaganomical by firing the striking workers and replacing them with illegal immigrants who were only paid half as much.

by Michael_Hunt July 13, 2009

1949πŸ‘ 339πŸ‘Ž


The 43rd president of the United States used to distinguish him from his father Bush41.

Bush43 was the worst president America ever had, he was obsessed with waging a senseless war in Iraq, while making no serious attempt to capture Osama bin Laden or fight terrorism. He pushed through a fascist law with an Orwellian name the "Patriot Act" which essentially gutted the Bill of Rights. His disasterous economic policies created the worst recession since the Great Depression, crippling the financial industry and nearly bankrupting G.M. and Chrysler.

by Michael_Hunt June 21, 2009

2143πŸ‘ 393πŸ‘Ž