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daylight wasting time

a more appropriate term for daylight saving time since a lot of time is wasting on the silly ritual of resetting clocks a couple times a year

I hate daylight wasting time, it's such a hassle resetting all my clocks, at least the time on my cell phone resets itself automatically.

by Michael_Hunt March 7, 2009

2389πŸ‘ 189πŸ‘Ž

barking cat

derogatory term for a small dog such as a chihuahua or a pekingese

I was hoping my girlfriend would get a real dog like a german shepard or something that could guard the house, but she just got a damn barking cat.

by Michael_Hunt March 26, 2009

241πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Ronald Reagan

a pagan god who is worshipped by many members of the Republican party

Ronald Reagan supported huge tax cuts for the super rich combined with massive increases in military spending mostly for boondoggles like his "starwars" missile defense plan that never worked. This sent our national debt into the trillions. Reagan was known for busting up labor unions and other anti-worker policies that drove down wages while CEO salaries soared. Some of Reagan's other accomplishments include creating the Taliban to fight off a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and providing arms to Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran war.

by Michael_Hunt April 19, 2009

3748πŸ‘ 1277πŸ‘Ž

Neal Bush

Another brother of George W Bush

Neal Bush was banned from the banking industry for his role in the collapse of Silverado Savings and Loan, which cost taxpayers $1 billion to bail-out.

by Michael_Hunt June 22, 2008

914πŸ‘ 208πŸ‘Ž

Salem bin Laden

brother of Osama bin Laden, in 1979 he provided financing for George W Bush to start a small oil company called Arbusto this was the beginning of a long friendship and business relationship between the Bush family and the bin Laden family

Bush's friendship with Salem bin Laden has surely clouded his judgement in dealing with Osama bin Laden. Instead of aggressively persuing Osama, Bush invaded Iraq, removed Osama's mortal enemy Saddam Hussein from power and turned Iraq over to al Qaida.

by Michael_Hunt May 25, 2008

1247πŸ‘ 228πŸ‘Ž

purse dog

a small dog such as a chihuahua that is often carried around in a purse or handbag by celebrities like Paris Hilton

In the movie "Legally Blonde" Reese Witherspoon had a purse dog named Brewster.

by Michael_Hunt May 25, 2008

225πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary virgin

a new definition that has been recently submitted to Urban Dictionary that has not yet received any thumbs up or thumbs down

It's kinda cool to be the first one to click thumbs up on an Urban Dictionary virgin.

by Michael_Hunt March 25, 2009

472πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž