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Pieces of lime that stuck in one's teeth after lip-pinching a tequila shot

Cindy: Weren't those tequila shots simply magical last night?
Bucky: Yes, but I still need some dang dental floss for these limoges!

by Mick Phersurani June 29, 2011

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

I love you to the moon and back

To love someone all the way around/inside his or her butt and away/out.

Beyoncé: Do you still like me?
Jay-Z: Gril, I love you to the moon and back.

by Mick Phersurani May 30, 2014

138πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž

pickle tickle

v. to caress one's own or another person's meaty upper lip pickle, aka moustache.

n. the act of pickle tickling


"Hey, did I spy you pickle tickling Judd the other day?"
"Yup, his lip caterpillar is luscious!"


"I can't wait to get home and get my pickle tickles onҀ”I'm so self-conscious of doing it in public."

by Mick Phersurani February 5, 2015

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