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Boinky sloinky

when the sussy slucky wuggy does the spluncky boingy sloinky to wubby wluby sussy splushie wockie stoinky wlubby splushie but the scruby scrussy isnt wobbly woinky anymore 🤤🤤🤤

person 1: Boinky sloinky 🤤🤤

person 2: what?

by Microsoft power point March 18, 2022

3👍 1👎


a subreddit full of obese western neckbears that get zero bitches and dont touch grass, most of them are the typical annoying band kid who thinks blasting the USSR anthem is funny, they think that they are "showing the hypocrisy of the west" or "fighting imperialism" when really they are just siding with another imperialist country

if you dont have the exact same shitty opinion as they you will get ban by the automod, they dont only defend the CCP, they also defend Russia and North Korea, you may think they are some sort of satire, but no, they are 100% serious and thats the saddest part

person 1: i hate r/GenZedong

person 2: based

by Microsoft power point March 18, 2022

719👍 117👎