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J.J. Abrams

A complete wanker and a tool, director and producer of several television shows and movies, most notably Lost, Mission Impossible 3 all of which were badly done and overly complex to the point of stupidity- oh wait it was made by J.J Abrams!

Known most recently for singlehandedly and completely fucking up the entire Star Trek timeline and canon by destroying the planet Vulcan, trapping ambassador Spock in the wrong time and killing off most of the second major constituent of the Federation -the Vulcans. He also managed to make a Star Trek movie that was all pretty pictures and no thinking, or moral dilemma-which is what Star Trek is half about- THINKING!

1. Star Trek X1 directed by J.J. Abrams-meanwhile Gene Roddenbery is spinning at warp speed in his grave due to the complete mangling of Star Trek and all that it stood for.

by Midnight Apollo May 25, 2009

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