Rockford is located in the central part of N. Illinois, it is the 3rd largest city in IL., with an est. population of 150,881. Roughly 25% are under 18 yrs, and 30% are 18-24 yrs. If you are between the ages of 25-44 you fall into about 23% of the pop. 45-64 yrs your looking at only about 13.5% of the pop. 35 yrs old is about the average overall age in Rockford, Il. This city is a pretty "cookie cutter" town that from what I feel is like Chicago's brother who is trying to be Chicago. Everytime you turn around people are talking about how they were just in Chicago the other day. Alot of people that I feel don't know who they really are. Manufacturing was huge in the 40's - 70's but has slowed down as the years go on. Job's are hard to find but not impossible. Property taxes are high, most of it goes to the public school system, public schools are rough, I went through them. Schools here are EXTREMLY mixed with different races and EVERYONE classified in one way shape or form. Prostitution, gangs and drugs are very, very big in this town. I am 28 yrs old and was born and raised here. I lived in the city of St. Louis for 3 yrs and it felt the same. Rockford works from sw-w to the east side. The further east / N. east you go, the better off, as far as gangs and outright on the streets drug dealing. Robberies of all kinds happen more in th center - east side. Top 3 nationalities, Mexicans, Blacks and Swedes. Like anything else in life, it's all in what you make of it.
Rockford, IllinoisChicago Midwest
86👍 31👎