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adj: Being recoginized for the coolness, wiseness, smartness, and beauty of an Owl

Owls are Owly

by Mike Anderson July 16, 2003

33👍 94👎


A word the describes someone who has seen Finding Nemo the Movie and loves the turtle, Crush.

"Noggin... Duuuuuuude"

by Mike Anderson July 1, 2003

1👍 2👎


is used with great explication of something that is far out.

"That ride at thet park was so coolyonessest"

by Mike Anderson July 1, 2003

2👍 4👎


verb an old practice performed by a mid wife on primarily black male babies in lieu of circumcision. A string is tied around the foreskin which is then pulled as far as possible. A flame from a candle, lamp, etc is then applied to the strectched foreskin and burned off (foost!), hence peckafoost.

Past tense is peckafoosted.

by Mike Anderson November 8, 2005

3👍 8👎