An analogy used to describe people, usually larger ones, who excrimate their feces in a manner resembling a dumptruck dumping it's load.
Man, that fat old b1tch dumps like a truck
51👍 210👎
Thou: A word used by holy dudes to speak to holier dudes.
482👍 121👎
One kick ass motherfucking song by Bily Corgan and the Smashing Pumpkins, the Gods of 90's alternative music.
Despite all my rage
I am still just a rat in a cage
90👍 14👎
Lofthouse - derived from german - luft- hous; meaning high houses, or house of the holy. Remind me of Led Zeppelin too. It's my last name. Rawk On!
13👍 8👎
1) The characteristic of having no wings
2) Being unable to fly
3) Being a coward, or being ignorant
1) An emotionally weak mother fucker who doesn't know what they stand for, but thinks they do.
A- Ya, Anarchy Rules
B- Do you know what Anarchy is?
A- An A with a circle around it?
B- You are one wingless son of a bitch, you know that?
A- Yes Sir
10👍 5👎
1) A Song by the Smashing Pumpkins that was never released, but should have been because it rawx
2) @ 1337 f0 $H1zz13 H4x0|2 Ã1tch
3) The Man with the AWP who capped you in the head from 300 yards away.
*Counter-Terrorists Win*
9👍 4👎