1. A term used in reference to a person who simply doesn't stop pontificating/talking. Usually the 'superpower' during a conversation. Someone who never runs out of material regardless of life situations for they do not stop talking! 2. A yappy little dog that resembles the features described in definition 1. Normally in the Terrier class of canine, but can just be a dog that, not unlike a human 'Buck Buck Buck', seemingly will not cease barking. 3. A political 'talking head' that promises things to no end in sight, however, more often than not, results in very little positive outcomes, though not always!
Cell phone patron: "She gets on the phone, girl, and is a real 'Buck Buck Buck'! Cannot keep her trap shut!!"
Houseguest: "Stan is a nice guy, but he's been here for three days and is too much of a 'Buck Buck Buck'! He needs to leave!!"
Bar: "Man! Normally Dave is reserved, but get a couple of Jaggermeisters in him and he turns into a real 'Buck Buck Buck'! Chatterbox city!!" Said the bartender.
A neighbor: "That little white Westie terrier is cute as hell, but man, what a 'Buck Buck Buck'! Won't stop yapping until either the owner shuts him up or if someone jokes about getting him fixed! Cares about his 'arf balls' too much!!
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Normally, Oyster in a Half Shell is taken to mean a food dish. However, the extended and additional definition of that expression leads to that of the sexual nature. Now, it is also a phrase that denotes when a male ejaculates onto, or, into a woman's palm after she causes such an incident to occur after performing digital sex, or more commonly known as a hand job. Although it is basically understood that this refers to the same regarding prostitution, many non-professional women, married and unmarried, call it the same thing. Boasting by men about the act often occurs, somewhat like a badge of recognition, et al.,.
Hooker After Satisfying a Client: "Wow! He howled when I jerked him off and I ended up with an 'oyster in a half shell'!"
A Conferring Couple After Intercourse: "I loved it, dear! Your 'oyster in a half shell' was great!!" said Linda.
Man Who is a Legend in his Own Mind: "Yeah, I'm the man! Just did that girl. She then rubbed me off. Talk about 'oyster in a half shell'! There was so much cum that she's thinking about suing me because it slid off the sides of her hands and onto her expensive carpet!"
9๐ 14๐
1.) Predominately used in direct conjunction with a sound that is similiar, a 'whooshing' sound, as it were. 2.) A modern day word that follows a long history from origin to the present. Origin: From the word pussy, in direct application as used to describe either a vagina, or vaginas (plural), and/or can be used to describe either a coward or woos (part whimp and part pussy). Progression: In the early 1980's all the way up to now, the word woos was a hybrid of pussy and wimp. Present: Recently, the word whoosh has come into the spotlight. It follows up on all preceding definitons whereas the word dooche has been used to describe someone of low character, low esteem, loser, rip off artist, and any other applicable usages of that word. Hence, the word: Whoosh! 3.) A direct combination of the words: Pussy, * Woos, and dooche. Please note: Woos is already a derivative word.
Literature: He entered the building and the fresh air came in like a 'whoosh'! Needless to say, the fart smell vacated the front lobby expediently.
Sex: "He's such a 'whoosh'! He was quick on the trigger, didn't do any foreplay whatsoever, and he's been boasting 'bout what a stud he is! Sheeeit!"
Bad Drug Deal: "The stuff I tried was great, but the bag he sold me was mostly cut! That nigga Smith is such a 'whoosh'!"
Failed Relationship: "Karen appeared to be Ruth's friend, but after she pulled that number on her, she's nothin' but a big headed 'whoosh'!"
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1.) Description of a person that is either too stupid or too arrogant to wear a condom when performing sex or when about to perform the same. 2.) A really stupid convict or an ex-con, denoted for being extremely idiotic or devoid of common sense.
Sex: "If you think that I am gonna let you stick that thing in without protection, then you are a real 'condumb'! Better get reacquainted with your hand!!"
Gangs: "Boo Boo Bear got popped by the cops for something really stupid. He's a real 'condumb'!"
Prison: "Harry the Hun got parole, but he got into trouble again on the outside, so he's back. Whadda a 'condumb'!"
9๐ 6๐
A very nuevo term, or, modern terminology, referring to Democratic Presidential Candidate, Barak Obama, and the White House Cabinet, if, and or, when, he wins the election in 2008. It is simply set to describe the probable outcome in the event of such and occurance.
A Xenophobic Republican Voter: "Man! If that dude gets into office, we'll end up with a 'Barakcracy'! That's for sure!!"
An anti-Bush Voter: "I'll tell you what! If that guy makes it to presidency, it will be a Barakcracy. That's a hell of a lot better than that stupid and unrealistic Bush Administraton!"
A Pessimistic Observer: "If we get a 'Barakcracy', then we are truly in trouble."
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