avoiding work or unpleasant obligation by citing covid policy or concern.
Julie opted out of Blue's Christmas dinner Friday night, and coveniently stayed home.
Working Class Everyday Chickens, who unite in Revolution to Free Range Communism.
Chicken Kiev, poultrytariat hero seemed locked in distant stare; distracted as his boysterous comrades celebrated wildly with liberated poultrytarian. Free Ranged Revolution, he thought, absently chickenscratching at the dirt beneath his naked drumsticks.
Taking time off work or school after vaccination, citing vague symptoms.
Logan took a full day highschool vaccication after his second Covid booster, prompting his parents to plan the next one for a Friday.
blaming covid for self serving behavior
Julie saying she didn't want to go out to Blue's house for Ukranian Christmas dinner Friday night sounds lime a matter of covenience.
An apparent employee who actually owns and operates the entire estate.
Julie felt certain Blue robinmasters the Big House.
Slow spiraling decline after blunt impact without spilling a drop.
The spactator appeared consussed, but his rahmerrant decline suggested histrionics.