slavior (to (en)slave + suffix ior, like in savior) ΓΒ the prince of this world, the one who imitates the Savior and promises to save people but makes them slaves.
Outwardly the distinction between Savior and Slavior may be as subtle as one letter difference in their names.
For many old-believers, the Slavior is already here, in our very midst, and they refuse to serve this self-appointed sovereign.
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astralgia, n. (Gr. astro-, star + Gr. algos ΓΒ pain, grief, distress; cf. nostalgia) - a longing for stars and interstellar travels to the remote corners of the universe; homesickness for cosmos.
The film "Gattaca" is about astralgia. The protagonist, Vincent, though deemed genetically flawed and subsequently fated to ΓΒ low-level occupation, pursues to the end his dream of space travel.
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traf v (back-formation from traffic) - to drive in heavy traffic, to be held in traffic, to trail in slow traffic.
Back-formation is the creation of a simpler or shorter form from a pre-existing more complex form: "edit" from "editor," "intuit from intuition."
Now, "traf" from "traffic."
I traffed for an hour before I could get home.
I've been traffing for two hours before I could even stop by a gas station to have a cup of coffee.
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chronopathy n. (Gr. khronos, time + Gr. patheia, suffering) ΓΒ a temporality disorder, a deficiency of time sense and inability to manage time, to comply with schedules, etc.
Chronopathy is the unindentified cause of many social disorders and career failures.
Chronopathy can be compared to blindness or dyslexia. As a severe impairment of the time orientation ability, it should be treated as a psychological condition rather than a moral deficiency.
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chronosome n (Greek khronos, time + Greek soma, body; cf. chromosome) ΓΒ a unit of historical heredity, in contrast with a chromosome as a unit of biological heredity; a mental code of a historical period that is transmitted to next generations through styles, traditions and unconscious influences ("cultural air").
The chronosomes of the early 20th c. avant-garde have reached the generation of the 1960s and shaped its political views and artistic styles.
Nabokov's novel "Invitation to a Beheading" bears many Kafka's chronosomes, even if the author claims to have never read Kafka.
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reLIcious adj relic + religious ΓΒ religiously devoted to relics, to the preservation of the past.
Nothing in contemporary life carries meaning for him. He is a deeply relicious person, not simply nostalgic.
Some people think that Eastern Orthodox spirituality is more relicious than truly religious.
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Paleonoic era adj Greek palaios, ancient + Greek noos, mind; cf. Paleozoic era, from Greek zoe, life ΓΒ the current epoch of ancient mind, of the first intelligent machines; the era that in the history of consciousness takes place similar to that of Paleozoic era in the history of life.
Looking at ourselves from the perspective of a distant future, we appear to be people of Paleonoic era when the first non-biological forms of mind were just emerging, when the forces of thinking just got released from the prison of cranium in creating computers and other increasingly more self-organising forms of artificial intelligence.
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