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chronocide n (Gr. khronos, time + Lat. cidum, from caedere, to slay; cf. genocide, homicide, parricide) - the murder of time, the violent interruption of historical succession and continuity.

Any revolution is a form of chronocide: the past and present are sacrificed to the future. Any counterrevolution is also a chronocide: the present and the future are sacrificed to the past.

Communism is a chronocide: it destroys the tradition in its leap to the ungrounded future.

Fascism is a chronocide: it brings the society under the spell of the archaic past.

by Mikhail Epstein November 9, 2003

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


philophobia n (Greek philia, love + phobia, fear) - a persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of love and intimacy, of deep relationship with smbd.

It seems Stalin suffered from philophobia. He never had a deep personal relationship with anybody, a man or a woman, either friendship or love.

by Mikhail Epstein November 8, 2003

402πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž


inventurer n (invention+adventurer) - adventurer of thinking, seeker of intellectual adventures.

Inventurers know how much they donÕt know; like Socrates and Kant, they start their journey with the confessed Òignorance.Ó

by Mikhail Epstein November 6, 2003

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


dislove verb transitive (prefix dis + love; cf. dislike, disapprove) Ð to have a deep negative feeling, attraction-through-aversion to smbd.

"Dislove" is a deeper feeling than "dislike," it is not just a matter of taste, but of personal relationship. It is addressed to individuals rather than to inanimate entities. Dislove implies a strong negative emotional connection to its object.

I don't hate Andy. I just dislove him. I wish him to be happy with somebody else.

by Mikhail Epstein November 8, 2003

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

meetnik (meet + suffix nik)

a person who enjoys meetings and all sorts of administrative events and tries to attend as many of them as possible.

Being socially active is one thing, meeting for the sake of meeting is another. I try to stay away from meetniks for whom getting together is an end in itself. Meeting without meaning is worse than meaning without meeting.

by Mikhail Epstein October 2, 2003

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


humy n (abbreviated and affectionate name of a human being implying smallness) - a human being as a partner or a pet of creatures with artificial intelligence. The term also resonates with "humiliated," the role humans might assume in a technosociety dominated by the humanoid machines.

For somebody as smart as this humy, you have to wonder why it cannot escape death.

by Mikhail Epstein November 3, 2003

14πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


enjoice smbd into v prefix en + joy; cf. rejoice - using false joy to talk someone into sharing an undesirable task; to entrap somebody by the appearance of joy, to deceive or trick into difficulty.

The prefix en-, like in engage, entrap, embrace, engulf, encircle, envelop, enclose, adds to the base the meaning "surrounding something or somebody or placing it within something."

He looked extremely happy with his winning ticket, and he enjoyced me into entering these sweepstakes, which I would never have done otherwise.

The government tries to enjoice us into global expansion by claiming dubious victories, clearly in violation of international law.

by Mikhail Epstein November 3, 2003

7πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž