egonetics, n. (ego+net+ics)
weaving a network of self-references, increasing one's presence on the interne.
Egonetics is different from "ego surfing" - a search of your name on the internet (using search engines). Egonetics is an active electronic dispersal of your name, making links to your homepage, using various interactive sites and open forums. It can be done for the sake of an idea or a commercial promotion, but in the absence of ideological or professional motifs, this is a clear case of egonetics.
I am afraid that my colleague uses her office hours for egonetics.
He is not an egoist in the classical sense, he is simply an egonetic.
humy n (abbreviated and affectionate name of a human being implying smallness) - a human being as a partner or a pet of creatures with artificial intelligence. The term also resonates with "humiliated," the role humans might assume in a technosociety dominated by the humanoid machines.
For somebody as smart as this humy, you have to wonder why it cannot escape death.
14π 13π
dislove verb transitive (prefix dis + love; cf. dislike, disapprove) ΓΒ to have a deep negative feeling, attraction-through-aversion to smbd.
"Dislove" is a deeper feeling than "dislike," it is not just a matter of taste, but of personal relationship. It is addressed to individuals rather than to inanimate entities. Dislove implies a strong negative emotional connection to its object.
I don't hate Andy. I just dislove him. I wish him to be happy with somebody else.
18π 4π
a person who enjoys meetings and all sorts of administrative events and tries to attend as many of them as possible.
Being socially active is one thing, meeting for the sake of meeting is another. I try to stay away from meetniks for whom getting together is an end in itself. Meeting without meaning is worse than meaning without meeting.
11π 1π
inventurer n (invention+adventurer) - adventurer of thinking, seeker of intellectual adventures.
Inventurers know how much they donΓΒt know; like Socrates and Kant, they start their journey with the confessed ΓΒignorance.ΓΒ
3π 1π
dunch n (blend of "lunch" and "dinner"; cf. brunch) - a small meal between lunch and dinner in the late afternoon or early evening (about 3- 5 pm.).
This is a more appropriate word for an intermediate meal that once suggested "linner," because it is more similar to lunch than to dinner and is more brief (one syllable). It also follows the model of the neologism for another intermediate (or combined) meal - "brunch."
Dunch usually includes tea or coffee with cookies, sometimes a sandwich.
For tomorrow, I have already scheduled lunch and dinner with my colleagues. Let's have a dunch together.
6π 17π
chronocide n (Greek khronos, time + Latin cidum, from caedere, to slay; cf. genocide, homicide, parricide) - the murder of time, the violent interruption of historical succession and continuity.
Any revolution is a form of chronocide: the past and present are sacrificed to the future. Any counterrevolution is also a chronocide: the present and the future are sacrificed to the past.
Communism is a chronocide: it destroys the tradition in its leap to the ungrounded future.
Fascism is a chronocide: it brings the society under the spell of the archaic past.
24π 8π