foodnik n food + suffix nik ΓΒ someone for whom food and eating are main joys of living and are full of sacral significance.
He invites me to cook together a dinner, but I will hardly meet his expectations. He is a real foodnik.
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amortify verb trans. (Lat. amor, love + Lat. mort, death + suffix ify)
to act both with affection and ruthlessness, to inflict suffering or ruin by love.
Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot" is the story of four principal characters who consistently attempt to amortify each other and eventually succeed.
chairy adj (chair + suffix y) ΓΒ someone who likes to chair meetings, to preside, to
be a master of ceremonies.
Jimmy is every bit as chairy as Andrew, which spells trouble at a small institution like ours.
She is a wonderful person, but maybe just a touch too chairy to share a household with her.
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equiphilia n (Greek aequi, equal + philia, love) - equal love to many persons or things.
It is difficult for Mary to make up her mind. Not that she is indifferent to her admirers but she is now at the point of equiphilia.
Sometimes equiphilia is dangerously close to indifference. Equal love to many means no love at all.
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someone whose life, habits and thinking are constructed conditionally.
Don't ask him what he's going to do. A typical ifnik, he will give you a dozen of "ifs."
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conaster n from Latin cum, with + Greek astron, star - literally with star, the exact antonym to disaster; the fortunate outcome of an almost imminent disaster; the sensation of a catastrophe narrowly averted and later remembered from the vantage point of safety.
There were several conasters in my life that I cannot recall without thanking God for his undeserved mercy.
You were born under a lucky star. This conaster is an amazing mixture of chance and miracle.
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ambipathy n (Latin, Greek ambi- (or amphi), both, on both sides + Greek pathos, feeling) - a mixture of sympathy and antipathy, of attraction and repulsion; a condition of being torn apart by conflicting feelings and aspirations.
"... At once I hate and love as well," - this line by Catullus, Roman poet of the first century BC, is one of the first literary expressions of ambipathy.
Dmitry Karamazov in Dostoevsky says that "a man is too broad" and is equally attracted by the two abysses--the upper and the lower ones, the ideal of Madonna and the ideal of Sodom. In this sense, Dmitry and perhaps Dostoevsky himself are the brightest manifestations of this common trait of ambipathy.
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