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Your parents parents, usually old. You may not want to visit them now, but when they open up, you will hear well-spun stories of their "glory days". And if you are lucky you will hear stories of their many diffrent conquests, being either drugs or boyfriends/girlfriends. War stories are a popular and exiting one. Maybe their immagration from a diffrent country in times of need. They will enjoy talking to their grandchildren, offering advice or just being in your presence. Enjoy them while they last, they are not here for ever.

Grandpa: "I remember when I was 22 and me and my friend bought some LSD and went train-hopping around Canada"

Grandchild: "really?"

Grandma: "Oh william! don't give bobby any ideas!"

Grandpa: *laughing* "but they were the best times of my life"

grandson: *thinking* 'I can't wait to tell my kids funny stories of drugs, drinking, and women!'
long live grandparents!

by Miklus June 4, 2006

125πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


A way of calling the h-core kid a dumbass

cool guy: sup my punq homey
dork: lets go listen to Fall out Boy
cool guy: they suck

by Miklus March 21, 2006

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

love warts

A very sickening name for a very beautiful thing, of course, I mean breats, boobs, tits, etc., etc.

Pizey: "Fuck man, look at her beautiful love warts!"

Alex: "I lost all respect for you now, that is the worst name I have ever heard for tits."

by Miklus May 9, 2006

3πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Large, easy to pop pimples to your testicles, except you squeeze your nuts when popping them, so it hurts alot.

mike: I had the most intense sacne the other day, I was enduring the pain and I got a good one popped and it squirted and hit my left nipple

mitch: good aim, yet fuckin' gross

by Miklus April 7, 2006

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

tossin' shit

1.To yell madly at someone with a crazy look in your eye
2.To diss someone who is gettin' more p00ntang then yourself, usually being said jealously.

angry dude:fuck, marty's a homo, he's hookin' up with that girl of his right in front of errybody.
cool dude:haha, I don't see you hookin' up with anybody, stop tossin' shit asshole.

by Miklus March 22, 2006

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A small private mennonite christian school in Winnipeg. Shitty. Lots of homework, bad teachers. And principals who pop you for selling drugs you didn't sell.

Mike: "FUCK YOU"

Principal (Ed): "See ozzy, this is what drugs do to a young man such as that boy"

Mike: "No, your just trying to get me expelled cause I hate Jesus!"

Vice Principal (ozzy): "That has nothing to do with it, we're just investigating a hint on of our students gave us. And now that your in this office alone we'll tack it on you because parents won't want to send their kids to westgate if they know we don't do anything about drug-dealers"

Mike: "You know what, leaving this shithole doesn't sound too bad. I sold kids 'Marrige-a-wanna-' now kick me the fuck out."

Ed: "Well, now that you told us that we'll just give you a 5 days suspension. Tell 500 people a lie and break every rule in our teacher policy manual!"

Mike: "I wanted to get kicked out! you fucking pussies! Go get ass-raped!"

by Miklus January 31, 2007

17πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


1. Universal word. meaning everything from stress to skillz.

2. Skank, hoe bag

1: "fuck dude, I'm skeezin' over exams" (stress)
"Did you see that kickflip! its was skeez to the knees!"
2: "Jane fucked some random guy on main last night. for free!"

by Miklus April 3, 2006

20πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž