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The most hated Minecraft disk according to Jschlatt but the best according to Antvenom

“This song has caused so much fucking...”
“My childhood hero has just called me bipolar”
“C418 was thinking about something when making this, he was thinking about the holocaust”
“S for Stal”

by Minecraft Spaghetti November 2, 2019

44👍 2👎

Council of Beetroot

The new council after Pewdiepie went crazy. They demand him to fuck things like sheep and creepers. They are the “villain” in Pewds Minecraft series, but it takes a while for that to be reveled. They replaced the Council of Watersheep and killed all of Pewds friends.

Pewdiepie-“What do you want me to do council of beetroot?”
Council of beetroot-*demonic noises*
Pewdiepie-“You want me to frick a creeper?”

by Minecraft Spaghetti November 3, 2019

2👍 1👎

No Nut November

The worst time a year according to men. They are not allowed to “Jack off”

Boy-“Ugh, it’s No Nut November”
Girl-“What’s that?”
Boy-“You wouldn’t get it”

by Minecraft Spaghetti November 2, 2019

8👍 11👎

Water Sheep

Pewdiepie’s abused Minecraft sheep. He spent his time in the corner of his garden, listening to a bell and getting pushed by pistons. After his death Pewds built a church and made the council of water sheep. After Pewds went insane he killed them starting the council of beetroot.

Pewds: *Screaming and ringing bell*
Water sheep: Bruh

by Minecraft Spaghetti November 2, 2019

What’s Popping

A way of saying “what the fuck is up man”

What’s popping

by Minecraft Spaghetti November 2, 2019

1👍 1👎


Pewdiepie’s Minecraft dog. He is the best dog ever. He helped Pewds get through his losses like the Joergen’s, IKEA bird, and many others.

“Sven is the best dog in the world”

by Minecraft Spaghetti November 2, 2019

2👍 2👎


The act of putting more AirPods onto your AirPods or if you’re feeling risky, putting yeezys on your AirPods

Guy 1-“Nice flexpods man”
Guy 2- *has three pairs of airpods and yeezys in his ear* “thanks man.”

by Minecraft Spaghetti November 2, 2019