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The Hub

PornHub. See also: CornHub.

Do you watch The Hub or X-Videos?

by MinecraftBloke123 June 16, 2023

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck

A song sung to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat.

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck,
Screw a kangaroo!
69 a porcupine,
An orgy at the zoo!

by MinecraftBloke123 June 16, 2023

10👍 1👎

Dan Andrews

1. (noun) A Labor Party idiot/Victorian Premier/lockdown-lover/puppeteer of Albo (Anthony Albanese, the dickhead Prime Minister). See dickhead.
2. (verb) To fall down the stairs whilst blind drunk and listening to the song "Get on the Beers" by Mashd & Kutcher, which features clips of one of Dan Andrews' press conferences. Dictator Dan (Daniel Andrews) did this whilst Premier.

Did you do the Dan Andrews in your apartment?

by MinecraftBloke123 June 16, 2023


Port Macquarie, a city in New South Wales with just over 50,000 people last time I looked. Middle-class, conservative (Liberal-National Coalition), full of retirees and holidayers. Expensive for a regional city though. Located in the Hastings Region of the Mid North Coast.

Port is where you’ll find the Billabong Zoo and the Breakwall amongst other things.

by MinecraftBloke123 May 31, 2023

Bill Shorten

A useless fuck. Not as bad as Anthony Albanese (Albo) though. Bill Shorten is an Australian politician who is the member for Maribyrnong in the House of Representatives. When he was Opposition Leader, he led his party (the centre-left Labor Party) to lost two consecutive losses, obviously both times were to the centre-right Coalition (which is a coalition between the Liberal Party and the National Party) because minor parties are hopeless in terms of trying to win government and elect the Prime Minister. The first time he lost was in 2016 to Malcolm Turnbull. Then he lost to Scott Morrison (Scomo) in 2019. Then he resigned as Labor leader but not from Parliament. Now he’s in Albo’s Cabinet. He invented the National Disability Insurance Scheme (the NDIS). In summary, he’s also known as Bull Shorty or Bullshit Shorten.

Bill Shorten sucks.

by MinecraftBloke123 May 14, 2023


Minecraft Steve.

Guy 1: Do you use the default skins like a noob (Steve and Alex) or did you have a different epic one like a pro?
Guy 2: Yeah mate, I got my own and it's fucking amazing. Steve is cool though, but not as a skin just for memes.

by MinecraftBloke123 June 16, 2023

National Party

The Nationals. A centre-right, liberal conservative party in Australia that truly represents regional and rural Australia. Forms the Coalition with the Liberal Party.

The National Party dominates in regional and rural Australia, because the regional and rural people are true Aussie legends/battlers. The inner-city is full of woke lefty Labor/Greens wankers.

by MinecraftBloke123 June 16, 2023