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Vatholick = (noun) a Vatican-loyal Catholic no matter the evil or stupidity being spewed from there

The Bishop of the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese is just a Vatholick who does whatever Pope Francis says.

by MinistryOfDEW November 25, 2021

Neoteric Monastic

(Noun) a member of a community which is classified as being both part of the new monasticism movement and the interspirituality movement.

The Universal Order of Sannyasa is a neoteric monastic community envisioned by Br. Wayne Teasdale and formally founded January 9, 2010.

by MinistryOfDEW July 5, 2021


a red-neck, a hick, a low-brow rural type of person

He and his motor-cycle pals are a bunch of uneducated hickie-rollers.

by MinistryOfDEW November 9, 2019


pistic fibrosis (noun): a damaging spiritual disease in religious organizations in which damaged individuals focus on the damning of others.
Etymology: from “pistis” (pure faith) & fibrosis (development of connective scar tissues)

That so called “True Orthodox” church is suffering from a serious case of pistic-fibrosis.

by MinistryOfDEW October 27, 2021


one who is obsessed with palindromes

That kid is a real palindrummer and told her parents that her name was now SOEOS AZIZA EIRIE AZIZA SOEOS.

by MinistryOfDEW November 9, 2019


noun: a polytheist who thinks all are deities;

adjective form: pan-polytheistic

I asked that Heathen polytheist if he was a pan-polytheist or a panen-polytheist and he said he was undecided.

by MinistryOfDEW October 18, 2021


a weirdo with a beard

Look at his whiskers and that outfit. What a beardo!

by MinistryOfDEW November 9, 2019

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