(Noun) a member of a community which is classified as being both part of the new monasticism movement and the interspirituality movement.
The Universal Order of Sannyasa is a neoteric monastic community envisioned by Br. Wayne Teasdale and formally founded January 9, 2010.
one who is obsessed with palindromes
That kid is a real palindrummer and told her parents that her name was now SOEOS AZIZA EIRIE AZIZA SOEOS.
(Noun) Dharma-LÄsa, Saá¹bhoga-LÄsa and NirmÄá¹a-LÄsa; The feminine counterpart to the Tri-KÄya doctrine of Mahayana Buddhism.
Amida Boots Is a Pureland Buddhist Sangha which considers the Tri-LÄsa to be PÄá¹á¸aravÄsinÄ« TÄrÄ, Chandalini TÄrÄ and SitÄtapatrÄ TÄrÄ.
Hexample: (noun) a 6-point explanatory
Bhakti Ananda Goswamiâs cross-cultural religious teachings provide numerous hexamples of Valentin Tombergâs Luminous Holy Trinity.
noun: one stage beyond gaseous identity narratives and two beyond fluid identity narratives.
That plasmatic-identity entity is too hard to fathom, having an identity that is so plasmatic that it keeps changing erratically.
Orthopox/Orthopoxy : a sick dogmatick religious fanatick / sick dogmatick fanatick religiosity
That ugly Church lady is spreading Christian Orthopoxy like an old whore spreads STDs.
communication in the English language with embedded profundities & excessive paradoxicity.
Drop the Zenglish and talk like a normal person.