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Dakota is most likely a big white boy and I don’t mean like “hey bishes let’s get Starbucks and head to the crap house” typa white boy i mean “Yee Yee let me park my tractor so I can go fuck my cousin while papa watch the cattle” typa white boy. This dude has a masssiivveeee farmers tan and he’s Alr looking until he cuts his hair. Oh god wait till u see his hair. That shi look like a hairy testicle. Other than looks he pretty chill

Girl1: dude Dakotas obviously obsessed with his gf
Girl2: yea Idek think she likes him that much either
Dakota: I’m so frickin mad cause I didn’t get to sit with my gf at recess because I had detention

by Mireyahatersss June 20, 2019

3👍 2👎


Joel Is just the most perfect dude everrr. He got everything a girl wants. He’s nice respectful and very cute. He’s tall smart and plays sports. He’s the kinda guy you want but the only problem is he never dates. He’s one of those good kids. You probably underestimate him in the past but now you regret not being his friend. And also everyoneeeeee knows he’s secretly in love with some girl most likely named gaby. But his friends force him not to date her

Gaby: yea I’m like so in love with Joel
Gabys friend: eww no what a nerd
Joel: oh dude I like gaby too
Joel’s friend: nahhhh bro don’t date herrrr
Gaby and joel: *secretly date*

by Mireyahatersss June 20, 2019

7👍 3👎


She is kinda rude but funny as hell when u get to know her. She has a shit ton of friends but mostly keeps the friend group small. Most likely has trust issues.

Yurritzy: nah I don’t trust hoes they be fake nowadays

by Mireyahatersss June 20, 2019