Jessica is forgiving, blunt, caring, outspoken, intelligent, loyal, and fun. She is as beautiful as northern lights. So bold and bright and calm. She doesn't always realize or know her worth. But she is worth so much more to most people than she could ever imagine. A momma's greatest gift.
If you want the truth as nicely as possible then just ask Jessica. She will say it with love too.
Katona- She has a beauty that is as unique as it is breathtaking. She is always kind. Thoughtful . Caring . Intelligent. And tough. Her smile is contagious and her giggle can cheer almost anyone up. Although she is told often she doesn't notice or even realize that she is worth so so much more than she thinks
Wow! Katona is so great to be around. What a beautiful person.!
Katona is so beautiful and positive. She is Intelligent, kind , thoughtful, strong, and unique. Although these attributes are easily noticable by others she doesn't notice or even realize how great of a person she is and how much she impacts the lives of her loved ones. A momma's blessing.
I saw Katona the other day. She cheered me up as she always does.