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Raa/Raah/Rah: Someone from the south of England who is, typically, middle class-upper class, private educated, and a student hoping to continue on to/ or being at university.

Raa's can be indetified thus:

male: Polo shirts- dodgy so-ual-it-cost-£150 quid jumpers, bed head hair, pompus facial expression, arafat/desert scarf.

girls: blonde hair with ALOT of backcombing. UGG BOOTS (typically sand coloured), with footless tights, denim mini and a 'lazy' hoodie, or white skinny jeans, some dodgy fake fur waist coat or sleeves puffa jacket...etc. Arafat scarf/desert scarf compulsary.

shops: jack wills, abercrombie and fitch, american apparel etc.

likes: the oc, clubbing, spending Daddy's money, saying o-m-g etc.

there is a sub to this youth-sub culture, which are wannabe raa chavs. Basically cheap raa's who don't have the privelage of Daddy's credit card on tap.

what noise does a lion make? raaaaaa.

"she's such a raa."

"I'd rather get frostbite than wear ugg boots, I'd look like a raa."

by Miss NJ April 18, 2008

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