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Twilight is the worst movie in the history of vampires, pigeons, werewolves, mortals and MLIAers. It causes people to either hate or want to marry anyone with the name Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, or Jacob Black. It has made millions of dollars that could be used to benefit the charity of "helping Scottish orphans learn how to unfold their napkins properly". Thanks to twilight, Scottish orphans are suffering. If you like twilight, you are an insane, psycho, coco-snot covered imbecile without a whif of peanut butter in your derrier who will end up as an orthepedic shoe salesman when the world ends in 2012. If you or a loved one likes twilight, please see a doctor immediately. You can get help. Twilight is the cause of the following issues in our society:
junk at where ever shopping items are sold
straws in beluga whaleholes
job loss
gassy Mexican food

Omit twilight from your everyday lives, and we will change the world. To win this battle, Harry Potter lovers, MLIAers, Star Wars fans, and squirrel stalkers must unite.

Some synonyms are:
waste of time
idiotic movie
stupid fad
opposite of the movie, vampires suck
flamingo headed gumbo

Antonyms are:
Amazing movie
Fabuolous trend
good use of time
Vampires Suck


Must I give an example? I think not, but I will anyway:

Twilight is the worst movie of the 21st century.

by Miss Penelope Skywalker November 24, 2010

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