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Minnetonka is a city in the Minneapolis Area in Minnesota. Tonka for short, this place kicks ass! All the hot girls and guys go to thier highschool, and its a pretty wealthy area. Mostly white people, other races can stand out at thier schools. Edina sucks compared to tonka, and Eden Prarie looks like a school of gang bangers compared to Tonka. Wayzatas ok.... ehhh nothing special! No hot guys! Minnetonka is known for being the best school in the state of Minnesota, with students that are all geniuses and an average grade point there is a 3.9! It rules! suck it bitches

ex. Minnetonka is soo awesome!
ex. Man, i wish i went to Minnetonka, they have everything! including a coffee shop in thier school! Caribou coffee you mofos

by Missbigassbootychickaflick August 15, 2011

79👍 77👎