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rapid dave

Speedy Gonzales's urban american equivalent. He lives in the city and wears a baseball cap instead of a sombrero.

"Qucikly, Quickly, Quickly! Run Fast! Run Fast! Quickly!"
-Rapid Dave

by Missing Waldo January 3, 2008

74👍 7👎


Coasties are the random students who choose to attend midwestern universities, such as UW-Madison, that come from the coast. Most prevalantly coming from New York or New Jersey.

Coasties usually keep to themselves and are stuck up and lack the humility that most midwesterners have. They voluntarily choose to segragate themselves from the population. Don't bother trying to talk to them, as they will look down to you. They usually take over the school's greek system, keeping us normal people out.

The girls tend to act pretty dumb and use the word "like" alot. They dress really slutty in their black spandex and v-neck shirts. Northface jackets, big sunglasses, scarves, and ugg boots are a must.

The guys are obsessed with the Yankees and the Jets and are overconfident in their abilities with women. Most of them are douchebags.

More recently coastie has become more of a social definition rather than a geographical one. Some people in certain Chicago suburbs have also displayed the coasite trait. This group is called fauxsties. To be fair, there are nice people from the coast with deveopled social skills, but sadly they are a dime a dozen.

Steve: Hey, should I join a frat?
Carl: No, theyre full of coasties, you wont like it
Steve: What's a coastie?
Carl: Just go to Langdon St, you'll see instantly

by Missing Waldo November 4, 2009

136👍 54👎

Stephen Hawking Swirl

An uncommon, yet unfortunate result of a throw during beer pong where the ball will spin around the rim of the cup, then be ejected out of said cup. The physics of this action are puzzling, some thinking that the ball enters a black hole and then reappears, falling out of the cup. Who knows how it works, apart from Stephen? But it sucks majorly when you lose because each shot results in the swirl.

Craig: Yo, now watch this shot

*Throws ball*
*balls spins around inside of cup*
*Ball levitates and is ejected from of cup*

Chris: Oh damnn, you just got owned by the Stephen Hawking Swirl!

by Missing Waldo April 6, 2012


The scandal by Apple in late 2016 where the company released several products with non-standard ports that require special dongles to be compatible with the rest of the world. Special dongles were required for headphones, USB ports, and power adapters.

Steve: Hey can I borrow your headphones?
Bob: Here you go!
Steve: Oh, damn. I can't plug these in to my new iphone. I forgot to bring my dongle.
Bob: Damn Donglegate...

by Missing Waldo November 7, 2016

7👍 4👎

burrito sleeve

What Steve Harvey calls a condom, as evident from what he has said on Family Feud.

Steve: We surveyed 100 people, what do you want your man to wear when your feeling sexy?
Contestant: A condom?
Steve: Burrito sleeve it is!

Mrs. Harvey: Damn Steve, put yo damn burrito sleeve on.

by Missing Waldo September 27, 2017

113👍 27👎


A fauxstie (fo-stie) is a person who acts like a coastie, but is not from the coast. Many of these people are from rich north Chicago and north Milwaukee suburbs. Unfortunately, they are as displeasing to be around as regular coasties.

Chris: Damn, look at the girl with the uggs and the northface. Stupid coastie...

Phil: But wait, shes from Chicago, so shes a fauxstie.

Chris: Ohhh, I get it

by Missing Waldo February 18, 2010

19👍 2👎