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Boner tunes

Those song that are playing in the background as your doing the deed.

These are such Boner tunes

by Misslinds January 6, 2024


A guy who's so damn got that U would hookup with him right then and their

Look at thay sexy man right there he's damn hot what a pantidropper

by Misslinds April 5, 2017

4👍 1👎

Thot waffle

A cunt that wants to act like a bitch

That how is a thot waffle

by Misslinds April 1, 2023

Thot waffle

A dumb coworker thats nothing but a two faced bitch

That bitch is a thot waffle

by Misslinds April 5, 2023

Shit-filled Twinkie

A human being who is a complete fool

That person is a shit-filled Twinkie

by Misslinds March 17, 2023

Shitfilled twinkie

A person whose two-faced

That bitch is a shitfilled twinkie

by Misslinds March 16, 2023


those little balls you stare at as your looking at a guys wiener

Omg he's got some gorgeous mcnuggets

by Misslinds August 22, 2017