A rare and untreatable medical condition which effects 1 in 7 billion of the worlds population. Symptoms include:
- The spontaneous dislocating of both shoulders
- Random and disturbing muscle twitching with associated joint cluncking and vomiting
- Verbally abusing old people against your will
- The uncontrollable urge to steel sweets and condoms
- Sweaty spack attacks
- Memory loss and warped ideas
- Belching in strangers ears
- Raw Hide bowel movements
Statement from Doctor Bee of the Hutton University:
"After studying this rare condition for the past 15 years, it is clear to me that there is, and will not be in the forseeable future, a cure for this perplexing and rather perculiar disease known as 'Tingy'. My study, however will continue so that we can try and grasp a better understanding of this remarkable illness.
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