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Alternatively spelt niggerden or nigger den.

A broken down suburban house (usually in cities like Detroit, Chicago or Jackson) that has paint coming off and has obscene things spray painted all over it and generally looks abandoned. If not likely to be used by a gang it sure looks like it, might just be the place that some innocent blacks who happened to be born poor into a shithole have to live.

"Look at this Chicago style gingerbread house someone made"

"This looks like a nigger-den"

by MistressChing_Ext December 5, 2023

Nigger Opium

Another word for weed/marijuana that I just made up

Me: "Weed is like nigger opium, but don't ask me whether Blacks are the British or the Chinese."

by MistressChing_Ext November 30, 2023


A shithole country in Southeastern Europe. Its people are the purest gypsies in the world as evidenced by the village in Bengal of the same name, and are known for their bunker dwellings. Analbanians like to make up the silliest of things and are very proud of their nationality.

"Analbania is numba one!"

by MistressChing_Ext July 14, 2023


1. n. A derogatory term for black people derived from a redneck corruption of the Spanish word negro (meaning the colour black) which was used as a common term for black people in the past.

2. n. A black person who conforms to and reaffirms hurtful negative stereotypes about their people.

3. n. A person or animal who is contemptible, spergy and cringe. When referring to a person the person does not have to be black, in fact this definition is used more often against non-blacks.

4. v. To utterly and completely destroy and trash (smth.).

1. Violently racist white person: "I hate niggers!"
Bystander: "Bruh."

2. "Those niggers in America are hurting us decent black people by giving our race a bad name."

3. Some clown: *some spergy multiple paragraph effortpoast nobody is going to read*
Normal person: "You are a nigger."

4. "This server has been thoroughly niggered by the department of niggery.

by MistressChing_Ext July 14, 2023

Eat shit

1. An insult in English, but is the literal translation of an insult more commonly used in Cantonese, 食屎 (sik si).

2. To get the short end of the stick, to experience some unfortunate turns of events. This one commonly is found in the past tense "ate shit".

1. "Sik si lan yeung!" (Eat shit dickface)

2. "Bruh I really just ate shit"

by MistressChing_Ext November 17, 2024