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jimi hendrix

Best rock guitarist in history. Everyone who says otherwise is missing the point: today's "shredding" guys are just expanding on his work. He was playing in the pleistocene era, technology -wise, but he FUNDEMENTALLY CHANGED the way guitar was played. Even the greats at the time, like Clapton, Townshend and Page were influenced by his style and work. Van Halen, Vai, Satriani and the rest of the current crop of virtuosos are fantastic players, but their contribution to rock guitar is rather incremental in comparison with Hendrix's contribution. In summary, if you think Hendrix isn't the best, you are a retard, and the guitarists you say are better point to him as their God.

Listen to the second version of Driving South on the BBC tapes, any live version of Voodoo Child (Slight Return), the entire Blues album or much of his Wooodstock performance.

Then listen to what everyone else was playing around that time and STFU.

Tard: Jimi Hendrix is overrated! He's totally blown away by Satriani

Me: Satriani became a guitarist specifically because of Hendrix. He sees Hendrix as God.

Tard: But he's totally shredding!

Me: Goodie for him, he can play a scale fast.

by Mitch Mitchell September 14, 2006

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