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pimp ass

Indicating a musical phrase or performance of exceptionally high quality.

Good lord, that trumpet player is pimp ass

by Mk December 2, 2003

12πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Fat mini-van driver

1. Often a fat chick behind the wheel of an SUV or better known as a mini-van
2. A very dangerous and lazy driver often seen cutting people off and driving others off the road while snacking on a bucket of Hungry bucket chicken and a box of donuts

Damn look at the fat chick drivin while eatin that... oh SH#*@ look the F*** out shes coming right for us! (car screeches by) damn I told you to take the down that stupid sign! (sign reads: ALL YOU CAN EAT!!!)

by Mk March 21, 2005

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A model made by Chevrolet that was built from 1987 until 1996. There were several models including: GTU, Base, GT, GTZ, and Indy. www.beretta.net has all the info needed.

That beretta is tight bangin son!

by Mk December 11, 2003

100πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

straight sex

1.fucking or having vaginal sex (no anal no ATM MTP or DVD in p u s s y)

back in the middle ages according to religious decree it was considered sinfull to have sex any other way, (now this should be put back into practice except for oral that isnt as disturbing as some of the other shit thats been coming out now-a-days)

by Mk March 21, 2005

95πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

teen titans

comedic drama targeted for young groups but enjoyed by all ages. took off from an old comic book in the 60s. might seem stupid to begin with, but very adicting.
robin- martial arts champion, obsessed with winning and protecting poeple, once worked for batman, very seriouse but can have fun.
beast boy- funny guy, green dude, kind of a screw up, likes to have fun, can change into any animal, bug, or germ. can be seriouse if needed.
starfire- alein not quite used to earth customs let alone slang or history. very smart in science and the universe. strong, can trow star bolts that explode on empact, can fly. loves learning new things and being with her friends.
cyborg- bio-mechanical human aquipt with a variety of weapons and tools. very sporty, very strong, very good fighter, doesnt like to lose or to be made a fool of, likes music, vedio games, and his car.
raven- dark, but has a light side. cant go crazy with emotions especially anger, or she will lose control and just kill everyone. really doesnt like to be considered creepy. enjoys reading, meditating, being with friends. bad bad bad past with evil deamon rapist father.

all in all, a good series, tho might seem lame to some, acually has good story lines, arcs, humor, and drama.

raven- "evil beware, we have waffels."

by Mk April 1, 2005

788πŸ‘ 248πŸ‘Ž


Reffering to the size of a mans dick
1. small(2-3.9 fully erect)-said to be like a row boat to england hey slow and steady my ass this little peeper will get you more laughs than actual results. Not to diss but hey bubs you might wanna make sure its not an erectile disfunction or somethin first. And a little FYI did you know that a mans true penis size is actually double what sticks out. yup half of that doodly bobberactually sits inside of ya. (and they can now surgically move that extra out for ya. So what ya waitin for stop getting on the low end running patrols and take a step up and BUY that bigger boat now while you can afford it!!!
2. Medium(4-6 fully erect)- nothing wrong here. fast and the furious this midsize fits all and often delivers faster or spills its cargo faster depending where he sails and what ports he pulls into.Great for virgins!!! and girls not interested in performance or size (gen the min for girls)
3. Big(6-8 fully erect)- Good size to see on pornos makes you look like a real man often gets both good and great results. Nothing can go wrong here fits into most size compartments though not so good for virgins and great for breaking in already broken in teens. Sails into both small and large ports great for all ages (age 18+ people) have fun!!!
4. Huge(9+) what girls often fantasize about but cant fully comprehend (damn blonds, hey im blond to so dont be to upset). Its like the equivalent of a size d bra or what do they call it size E the man's gotta been combining surgery with steroids or something that thing is almost as big around as your arm girls. if you wanna have a pussy like you just had a child than go for this. These Monster tankers can sail into only the most open ports VIRGINS BE WARNED!!!

"it aint the size of the boat that counts its the motion of the ocean and how you move about it."
IT is said that the size of a mans penis aint based on how big is nose is or how skinny or fat he may be or how pointy is shows are but on the size of his palm. Yup thats right, right in a medical book which states that the palm is equal to 1% of ones total body survace and right down there on the picture of a man being divided into persentages is the mans groind with a big fat 1% right smack in the middle so if size is your thing or you just wanna compare notes all ya gotta do is check the guys palm and about 90% of the time you'll be closer than than you think.

by Mk March 21, 2005

16πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


1. Noun- A god
2. Adj- a person or being who is divine or of divine origin; godlike or being like a god
3. Also used a as title meaning divine or divine god
4. an title of a regent or warlord in ancient china or feutal japan
also see god Dio Predator

The dio predator is considered the ultimate Life Form

by Mk March 21, 2005

47πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž