Source Code

Santa clause

A lie that we tell all our children so that we can give them more gifts for no good fucking reason

Santa clause is a lie.

by Mo Bamba December 14, 2018

Quinten Wilson

A lightskin ugly bastard that thinks he’s good lookin but in reality he’s not he’s just a ugly lightskin he sucks at basketball and football and no one knows why he plays either one ... he is a junior in highschool and is still a Virgin he’s got no hoes and will never get laid...

Quinten Wilson is such a loser.

by Mo Bamba December 14, 2018

Matt blow

A self centered piece of shit , he is the biggest pussy you will meet , also very smart with no altheticism ... he gets no pussy because he’s not the best looking but is a good guy over all also has a problem with smoking.

Matt blow is such a piece of shit.

by Mo Bamba December 14, 2018