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The way Brits say the word "Chogar". Still means the same thing, but with two Os!

Yun' Garefield: "You a Bloody Hell or a Crippled?"
CTK: "Neither, I am a Chogor!"
Yun' Garefield: "Igur"
Yun' Garefield: "Good album, innit?"

by Mo Yangyang January 29, 2022


A Splog is very similar to a blunt, but instead of marijuana it is filled with blue Taki powder and crystal meth.
Commonly refered to as a "splogger" and a "splig" by popular record label TOOLGROCERY (in songs like Assholio's Remember Me, Spoog and Lubby Vuv Sax Monster's I KILLED MY WIFE'S HUSBAND).

John: "Hey bro, you coming with me to see that Yeat concert?"
Adam: "Yeah bro, I'm gonna bring some splogs and we're gonna get fucked up!"

by Mo Yangyang March 21, 2023


Chooga The Kid's group of crackheads that make ass music.
Chogar can mean many things, like something that is ass or someone's mom

Yung Garfield: "You a blood or crip"

CTK: "I'm a Chogar"
Yung Garfield: "Igor"
Yung Garfield: "Good album"

by Mo Yangyang January 28, 2022