Taking back your approval of something that's been said or done, or something posted online.
This term originates from Facebook, where you can publicly say you "like" something, and then have the option to take the "like" back. "Unlike" does not mean you dislike something.
"I really like the shading and texture on this picture you drew of a man in a prison cell. Oh wait; the man is supposed to be me. Unlike."
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(v, tr.)
Hampering a political candidate's chances of winning an election by circulating compromising old photos of the candidate on the internet. The term is especially applicable to sexually suggestive photos.
The term is based on the 2010 congressional campaign of 28-year-old Virginia businesswoman Krystal Ball, who received negative publicity after photos of her sucking on a Halloween dildo during the 2007 holiday were unearthed.
Student 1: Hahaha. Ben's blog swears he's going to run for Congress in a few years. Quick, let's save some pictures so we can krystal ball him later!
(Student 2 logs onto Facebook and begins to save photos of their "friend").
A group of middle-aged women on the internet who believe they are all married to Severus Snape from the Harry Potter books -- on the astral plane. They have real-life meetings where they take turns channeling the spirit of Snape so they can have wedding ceremonies with him.
There is in-fighting over whom Snape loves more and whether Snape is an emotional wooby who just needs to be loved, or a domineering master who lives to be dominant.
Snapewives love the fictional character of Severus Snape.
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A member of a group of middle-aged women on the internet who believe they are all married to Severus Snape from the Harry Potter books -- on the astral plane. They have real-life meetings where they take turns channeling the spirit of Snape so they can have wedding ceremonies with him.
There is in-fighting over whom Snape loves more and whether Snape is an emotional wooby who just needs to be loved, or a domineering master who lives to be dominant.
A snapewife loves the fictional character of Severus Snape.
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A rule originating on the Something Awful message boards that calls for the banning of a member who does not follow his own proclamation. These proclamations are typically in the form of "If X happens, I will do Y." The person who posts the claim is asked to follow through with his promised act or be banned for lying.
This rule originated from a forum member, Toxx, stating he would tape together the parts of his nether regions if a message board topic reached 5,000 replies. The Something Awful Administrator ordered that he post pictures of the completed act. No pictures were produced, and Toxx was banned as a result. The Toxx clause was instituted as a rule to discourage future members from making exaggerated claims.
Example poster 1: "If he sells this laptop to me for $200, I will eat my shorts."
Example poster 2: "Sell it to him just so we can test the Toxx clause."
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In TV production, especially soap operas, the pages of a script that occur during dream sequences or coma fantasies are colored pink. The alternate color of the pages reminds all involved that these events don't actually happen in the storyline of the soap.
On The Simpsons, Moe's facelift was an example of a "pink pages" sequence.
On House M.D., House's sex scene with Cuddy was a "pink pages" sequence.
"The sheep have been owned."
sheep - slang term for GC fanboy on Gamespot forums.
lolzorz Custom Robo flopped. TSHBO.
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