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verb; describes the act of frittering away valuable time between Facebook and Twitter by posting status updates or tweets on both.

With a status update and a tweet every five minutes, he spent all of Friday afternoon, fwittering away time, instead of completing his project.

by Mohit Hira April 27, 2009

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A scam advertising campaign created by an agency only to win awards for non-existent brands.

Every year, one agency walks away with several awards for scampaigns that appeared in obscure publications for unheard-of brands.

by Mohit Hira March 18, 2009

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A person who corrects the grammar of others while speaking when he overhears errors in a conversation. The aural equivalent of a proofreader.

The gent at the next table said "excitation" and our buddy prooflistener interrupted him to correct it to "excitement".

by Mohit Hira October 11, 2012


An unexpected heat wave that assaults a city and renders its people helpless.

Delhi was chugging along fine, waiting for the rains, when a summersault hit it with temperatures crossing 111 Fahrenheit.

by Mohit Hira June 29, 2009

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An Internet evangelist.

A netvangelist will take every available opportunity to promote the benefits of the Internet, even if he doesn't work in the online industry.

by Mohit Hira February 16, 2009

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A peaceful, digital-driven revolution by the youth of a country in protest against dictators who suppress democracy.

Encouraged by Tweets, thousands of college students joined the youthquake in Egypt.

by Mohit Hira March 9, 2011

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The feeling of utter dismay when great expectations lead to absolutely nothing.

After all the hype and expense on the Climate Summit, the end result was No-hope-in-hagen.

by Mohit Hira December 18, 2009