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An irrelevant lefty game journo webby that's having to shut down due to wokeness.

Hey little Timmy did you here about those webby journo's at Kotaku'?,

"What's a Kotaku?"

Ehh some grift game website that cared more about wokeness than actual games
"Oh, okay, I see. So they have to look for a real job now?"


Looks like Christmas is going to be a light one this year for those leftwigs.

by Moldy Turnips June 30, 2021


An irrelevant lefty game journo webby that's having to shut down due to wokeness.

Hey little Timmy did you here about those Kotaku'?, "What's a Kotaku?"

Ehh some grift game website that cared more about wokeness that games,

"Oh, oh okay, I see. So they have to look for a real job now?"


Looks like Christmas is going to be a light one this year for those leftwigs.

by Moldy Turnips June 30, 2021

Parallel Parked

Getting parallel parked is the ultimate L.

When you parallel park someone in a debate or argument they are left speachless and wanting to end it all for being so fucking smooth-brained because just like driving, they failed hard at parallel parking their electric hybrid solar neutron star powered smart car.

"Hey did you see that interview with Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman? She got her Top-Romen hair parallel parked"

by Moldy Turnips June 30, 2021