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While he is a self-proclaimed villain, Apexigod is a highly controversial figure in the Fallout 76 gaming community. He is a notorious instigator of many social media and in-game situations. Apexigod is most well known for being a bounty hunter and taunting his enemies with his "Wall of Shame". This adds to his well-rounded set of PvP skills that have made him the target of much ire in the Fallout 76 setting.

His participation in the Fallout 76 community has reached a point to where you will absolutely receive warnings on the Official Bethesda Fallout 76 forums if you even talk about him. Many threads have been made about him and they have all been deleted and forum users issued warnings. He has made enemies out of the Bethesda forum moderating team themselves and accomplished feats that none of us quite understand, but are still in awe of.

Finally, Apexigod is the quintessential bad boy of Fallout 76. His antics, his shenanigans, and his approach to the game have made him stick out in a noticeable way. He is definitely not a player that you want to be at odds with.

Me: My friend was trying to get his bounty up to 1000 in-game, but that guy apexigod came along and destroyed him!
Other friend: That's such an apexigod move, he probably needed the caps!

Me: I made a thread about apexigod on the Bethesda forums and now I was issued a warning!
Friend: Apexigod Bamboozle!

by Moneytrees6312 May 31, 2019

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