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The study of who and what gets blamed for an epidemic.

Whether it was the complacent president, a de-funded response system, or simply "Patient Zero" who got off the plane from Beijing, coughing, epidemonology would inevitably follow.

by Monkey's Dad March 11, 2020

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Breaking Mad

A long-awaited collaboration from the creators of Mad Men and Breaking Bad - Matthew Weiner and Vince Gilligan. Millions of homebound fans, desperate for a new binge, are hoping TV history will be made.

Don Draper sees the writing on the wall - a third of the storefronts on Madison Avenue are vacant. Realizing that in Covid-depressed America there is not much left to advertise, not much to buy and little reason to buy it, he goes in search of Jesse Pinkman, and the temptation of Breaking Mad.

by Monkey's Dad December 27, 2021


Vocal breakdown from an entire day on the phone.

By six-thirty, her voice was a fractured, abrasive croak, her daily frogmentation from nine straight hours of phone sessions.

by Monkey's Dad April 17, 2020

The New Misanthropy

A novel condition in which the sufferer looks upon approaching human beings as threats, just for breathing, and wants them to burn in hell.

What was this moron, this utter fool, coming toward her with his mouth covered and his fucking nostrils exposed?! He was human scum, a killer, and the sight of him filled her with revulsion. At one time she might have found him attractive. But now? Now she wanted to smash him, hard, but that would entail proximity, the last thing she'd ever want to share with another person. She knew she'd contracted The New Misanthropy, but it was a damn sight better than Covid.

by Monkey's Dad February 10, 2021


A bi-polar individual, or culture, hopelessly out of tune with itself.

In the grip of a pandemic with no cure, economic collapse, race riots, a virtual civil war between the reds and the blues, he felt America in the spring of 2020 descending into an harmonic-depressive state.

by Monkey's Dad May 30, 2020

Last Man on Earth

Effectively, the man any woman happens to be with, under lockdown, for the duration of the coronaviral era.

"You have complaints? Please, feel free to find someone else, because right now I may as well be the last man on earth."

by Monkey's Dad March 30, 2020

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Silent Spring

The title of a non-fiction account, published in 1962, of the environmental damage caused by pesticides, written by Rachel Carson, with great foresight.

"Silent Spring" carried eerie echoes, he thought, seeing the trees outside his window beginning to flower, the earth returning to life in a largely silenced human world. Spring of 2020 would be a season of great and unsettling quietude.

by Monkey's Dad March 30, 2020

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