In an erotically blessed couple, the woman's clitoris, focus of all devotion, from which emanates such intense energy, joy and transcendent oneness that her lover can think of nothing else. ... Excuse me. What were you saying?
In the middle of the day, apropos of nothing, she suddenly blurted, "the center of our happiness" and he knew exactly what she was craving.
Someone who has zero doubt who they'll vote for, and says "Well, gosh, I can't really decide at this point."
Skewing the polls, giving the country a false image of its future, she characterized herself as an undersided voter.
The forecast that the course of a disease will be uphill and stretch over a long time.
The doctor's truthful slognosis was hard to hear: His covid symptoms would get worse before they got better, and recovery would be slow, if it happened at all.
Intellectual immobilization from following too many influencers with too much to say.
He awoke to another early-morning blogjam, so much verbiage, so little time.
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An age group encompassing those born to those reaching adulthood during the COVID-19 pandemic. People born between 2000 and 2021.
Their worldview, their attitudes and their temperaments were shaped by the demands, constraints and pressures of the pandemic. Whether undergoing home-schooling from a masked parent or a teacher on Zoom, or facing severely diminished job prospects, they comprised Generation C.
Because the narcissist has no disorder.
"As you insisted, I went to the therapist. She told me I have narcissistic personality order, which she said very few individuals have. I described our relationship and she wants to see you three times a week."
Her Majesty / High Maintenance. "Allow me to inform your uppity blonde self that we ain't even got no damn grapefruit juice to splash in your damn Sex on the Beach and same applies to whatever your pet monkey drinkin' too."
"What would HM request we place before her refined palate this morning? Hmm?"