The geographical root and source of Zombie legends.
Mozombieque is located on the coast of Africa, bordered by Zombia to the northwest and by Zombabwe on the west, all three countries populated by the living dead.
Natural selection as observed by Charles Darwin; the survival of those who can comprehend the nature of a virus.
'The "protesters" are proudly hastening their own extinction', she thought, as they chanted the name of their ignorant leader. 'Many of them will die in a fog of pure Viral Darwinism.'
The irrational fear of the Covid-19 vaccine.
An extraordinary percentage of the American population was infected, if not yet with Covid, then with vaccophobia. Sitting glassy-eyed and slack-jawed in front of their TVs, an American vaccophobe listened to paid performers on Fox and Newsmax, all of whom had been quietly vaccinated, tell them that Covid was nothing but a liberal hoax, that the vaccine would allow the illegitimate Democratic government to take their freedoms and to monitor their location at every moment. If they didn't believe it, they could look it up on their smartphones.
The irrational fear of the Covid-19 vaccine.
An extraordinary percentage of the American population was infected, if not yet with Covid then demonstrably with vaccophobia. Sitting glassy-eyed and slack-jawed in front of their TVs, vacchophobes listened to paid performers on Fox and Newsmax, all of whom had themselves been quietly vaccinated, tell them that it was nothing but a liberal hoax, that the vaccine would allow the illegitimate Democratic government to monitor their location at every moment. If they didn't believe it, they could look it up on their smartphones.
Deductive reasoning and common sense, pertaining to a virus.
Mandating that children and teachers be sent into the classroom, at the same moment people were legally forbidden to sit inside a restaurant, was a blatant and indefensible failure of virologic.
O. Z. stands for being overzealous, a brain disorder. Those afflicted do not know when to stop - planning a party down to the most minute detail, decorating a room or giving an endless stream of gifts on Christmas when a few would more than suffice. Frequently mis-diagnosed in children as industriousness or generosity, by adulthood it's incurable.
"I'll just tidy up", she said, heading for the kitchen, "a few minutes." Hours later she emerged, having rewashed the clean dishes, glasses and cutlery, scrubbed the floor, wiped, re-wiped and sterilized the counters, thrown out loads of perfectly good food to neaten the fridge and arranged their Urban Dictionary mugs in alphabetical order, her O. Z. out of control.
A talent or propensity to be ungrateful.
She had finally had enough of his ingraptitude, deciding that the next time he woke her at 2:30, from a sound sleep, he would be set free to find out just how many women wanted to 'take care of' him at that hour.